Sunday, February 24, 2013

Dear Reader

I know it's been a while. Let's be honest, I feel weird talking about ourselves. I'll try to be better. If you haven't heard by now, I am pregnant and due on September 3rd, if our doctor is to be believed. I honestly didn't have much to say, except for that I'm eating a grilled cheese sandwich right now, and I don't think I have ever enjoyed another piece of food as much as I have this sandwich.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Corny post alert

Before I started hanging out with Kevin again, I was at the lowest point in my life. I was miserable. I won't go into any sort of detail, but I was not living a lifestyle that was conducive to what I had been taught would make me happy growing up. I finally realized that I needed to make a big change in my life, and I knew what it would be. I knew that it would be hard, but I also knew that it would be worth it. About a week after I started this process of change, Kevin and I decided that it was high time that we do something together. As everyone knows, this quickly blossomed into romance, and I have no doubt in my mind that everything I had been through had led me to this point. Kevin is everything I never thought I would have, he is more than I deserve. He helped me realize that life was good, and that it was worth living. The most amazing part of this to me was that he thought I was something special, and I had worth despite everything that I had been. Anyway, one of our first dates was to go see Tangled in theaters, and the song I posted below really hit me. When the movie was released, FYE (where I was working at the time, R.I.P.) had it in the in-store play for a few months. It's a little embarrassing to admit, but when this song would come on I would cry a little bit every time. I'm not usually one to share stuff like this in public, but I thought I would let it be known that I, Miquelle, love my husband Kevin, like, a lot. Enjoy.


Sunday, April 22, 2012


Maybe someday I will become a better blogger...but that is not this day. This day I am making dessert for our family dinner with the Tingeys, it is in the oven as we speak, and it smells incredible. As I was putting this all together I thought, "Wow Miquelle, it would just be cruel to make something so delectable and not even share the recipe!" So here goes. Note: usually when I make something unhealthy, I will try to alter it so it isn't AS bad, e.g., add whole wheat flour instead of white, or use less butter and eggs, but again, not this day.

White Chocolate Brownies

1/3 cup butter
6 oz. high quality white chocolate (OR) 30 white chocolate Bliss candies
3 Tablespoons whole milk
1/2 teaspoon almond extract
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 large eggs
3/4 cup white sugar
1 & 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt

1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Melt white chocolate and butter in a medium saucepan over low heat, stirring constantly. Remove from heat.
2. Stir in milk, extracts, eggs, and sugar. Mix very well.
3. Stir in flour, baking powder, and salt until smooth.
4. Pour into a greased 9" round cake pan. Bake 25-30 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool on a wire rack.

White Chocolate Frosting

6 Tablespoons whole milk
6 Tablespoons butter
1 & 1/2 cups white sugar
1 cup white chocolate chips
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract

1. In a small saucepan bring milk, butter, and sugar to a rolling boil over medium heat. Boil 45 seconds and remove from heat.
2. Immediately stir in chocolate chips and vanilla. Continue stirring until mixture is smooth.
3. Pour over warm brownies and let set.

Please don't judge my gluttony. Happy Sunday!


Saturday, March 17, 2012

Well Moab, it's been real.

We went camping in Moab for spring break/our 6 month anniversary. We actually took a lot of pictures, so let's just jump into those, shall we?

In no particular order...

We like to take pictures of ourselves while we eat. No biggie.



Turret Arch.

One of those girls in the background was whining big time.


Team U.S.A.

Smoky Quartz


Don't mess with Kevin, he punches wolves if they even look at him the wrong way.

Whenever we go on vacation, we always have to find local cupcakes and root beer, it's pretty amazing.

Well shoot.

I was excited to see this, because we used to have Millipede at my house as a kid until my brother and his friend broke it by trying to get all of the quarters out of it. Dumb.

S'more factory

Thinking while eating


An awesome mural we found on a comic book store.

Driving home. Kevin took the picture while driving, ILLEGAL

Kevin also likes to take pictures of me while I'm sleeping, which I do a lot on road trips.

Other stuff.

Everyone's favorite cat.

Our front door sign that we made....AWWW

Kevin's new toy

Bachelor snowboarding party, Kevin's fuzzy bear hat.


The little brother shooting things.


Saturday, February 25, 2012

Goodbye Exploder, goodbye, Monte Carlo.

I dedicate this song to today, in the hopes of us going car shopping isn't a terrible waste of a Saturday.

Breathe - telepopmusik

Thursday, February 16, 2012

February Happ's

Hey all. February has always been a crazy month for me, and now that Kevin has joined the mix, it's twice as crazy! But also twice as good. List time!
  • We went to go see The Phantom Menace in eye-popping 3D with some work friends of Kevin's. It was good, they added a few new scenes and digital Yoda. As far as the 3D action goes, it was OK. It didn't make the movie any better for me, (Episode 1 is one of my least favorites) but Kevin quite enjoyed it. When my sister asked me how the movie was, I told her it what I thought, and she informed me that according to her boyfriend, I am super critical of the things I love, which I suppose is true. All in all, it was a good fun time, and I learned that I am way too old midnight showings, even though that won't stop us from going.
  • I had a student in preschool tell me to, "kiss my ass." To be fair, he has a speech impediment, so it sounded more like "kiss my ask" and he talks to people through movie quotes (much like Abed from Community. Hilarious coming from a five-year-old) so I don't think it was personal, but it was still shocking none the less. 
  • Our cousin-friends Jake and Ainsley invited us over for dinner and a fun night of games. It was a blast of course, we love hanging out with those guys. They showed us some new games and Ainsley made one of the best chocolate cakes I have ever put in my mouth. Seriously, it's been over a week since we hung out with them and sometimes we still talk about it.
  • We celebrated three birthdays in my family! My Dad's on the 8th, my Mom's on the 12th, and my brother Christian's on the 13th. Since Christian is in Ohio, all we could really do was text him HBD, but we went out for dinner for my Dad's big day which I already talked about, and for my Mom's birthday, we made her cupcakes and went over for a big family dinner at my Grandma's house. It's always a big party to get all of the Jorgensen side of the family together. Us cousins mostly talk about how awful we were to each other as kids. Considering how big of bullies we were back then, it's really nice to all get along and have a good time together.
  • Valentine's Day! We told each other that we wanted a "real" Valentine's Day, since the last few both of have had have been pretty stinky. I knew that my week was going to be crazy, since I worked two preschool classes a day the week of V-day. Kevin surprised me the day before Valentine's and had a big bouquet of flowers delivered to me at work. All of the ladies were so jealous. On actual V-day, we went out for our favorite breakfast at Kneader's (sourdough pancakes and chunky cinnamon french toast) and I embarrassed myself by knocking a display down that was hanging out the wall. Classic Miquelle. We also gave each other some gifts, I gave Kev a Star Wars themed Build-a-Bear and cake bites, and rock star Kevin got Cupcake Chic to open an hour early to get me my favorite cupcakes. After breakfast, we ran up to Ikea to get some furniture we've been waiting to get with our tax return. While I was at work, Kevin assembled said furniture, and now our apartment looks a million times better. Like I said, rock star. For dinner, we made cedar plank salmon and garlic-balsamic asparagus (amazing)  and then watched some episodes of Star Trek. It was a perfect Valentine's for us, and yeah, we love each other.

Picture time! In no particular order...

Lemon poppy seed pancakes! Can you tell we love to eat? And that we love pancakes?

View 1 of our living room, new coffee table!

View 2, media cabinet. Now we have a place to store our Blu-Rays and DVDs. Amazing.

The dark chocolate mint cupcakes we made for my Mom's birthday. Also, my new haircut.

Random picture of my mom's party. Foreground: Me. Background from left to right: Madre, Uncle Kirk, and part of Grandma.

Valentine's stuff. The Koala's name is "Wil' Annie"

Valentine's dinner. Yum, and yum.

I had to add this because poor Kevin hasn't had a picture in a while. This is his work doppelganger. Uncanny?

This next series of pictures features all of the weird places we have found our cat climbing in. What a rascal.

Refrigerator. Gross, I know.


This one's just cute.

The Robbins

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Catch up?

I started this blog with the best of intentions but I haven't been very good at writing updates regularly. It may be partly due to the fact that we don't have the most exciting lives, or that I am awful at expressing myself in writing form, but it could mostly just be that I feel really strange writing about our simple little life. I'll try and get over my bad self and be better, promise!

I won't bore you with every detail, but we have been busy bees lately. Since I last wrote, we had a romantic weekend getaway at our favorite place, The Anniversary Inn (so fun), had my cousin Jake and his wife Ainsley over for dinner and games, celebrated my dad's birthday, we both got new hurr cuts, adjusted to Kevin's new work schedule and location, read a lot (I've read 8 books this year and Kevin just finished The Hobbit), I made some sewing projects and tried out a few new recipes, and plenty more that I can't think of at the moment.

Right now we are looking forward to seeing Episode 1 of Star Wars in 3D at midnight tomorrow! Curse you George Lucas and your money grubbing ways. I'm also mentally preparing for working both of the preschool classes tomorrow. Usually I just work one, so this will be twice as exhausting. Wish me luck. We are also very excited to have my little brother and sister come home this weekend to have a visit, and for my Mom's birthday Sunday, and my brother Christian's birthday Monday.

Oh, a sad thing did happen this week. We found out that our FYE in Orem will be closing in March. That place means a lot to both of us, we met each other 6 years ago while working there. We will miss that place, there have been some times, that's for sure. Best of luck my FYE friends, I love all of you guys.

Well, I just lost the paragraph I typed here, so rather than remembering what I wrote and rewriting it, I'ma put some funny pictures since we have none of our own.

Smegull...get it?

Okay, I'm done. Peace.
